I love the hymn, "Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing." During a listen this morning, I heard the phrase, "Teach me somewhere." Now, I must admit that I am not gifted at understanding people when they sing. What I heard was, as usual, not what the lyrics read. What is really written is "Teach me some melodious sonnet." But, "Teach me somewhere" struck a chord with me so I will continue my post on that phrase. Throughout the past week, my emotions have been near the surface and my heart has been full. I was faced with a rather unexpected and difficult circumstance for which I was greatly unprepared. How often do we ask to be taught in life, expecting it to be appreciated on all levels and for it to be a blessing and not a trial? Some know, or have surmised, that I have struggled with an eating disorder and depression for a large part of my life. I have always yearned to be taught and yet I would never have considered those trials to be the Lord's answer to my plea, "Teach me somewhere, Lord." Now, over a decade later, I see it. I see that I had to struggle with something so fatal and so devastating. Of all the things I have learned about myself, my limits, my weaknesses, my interactions with others, and such, I want to share this one, most important lesson:
God has a plan for us.
I know in His infinite wisdom, He knew I could overcome and manage my struggles, with the help of heaven. I can see things coming together now, clearer than ever before. I know my Heavenly Father loves me and has trusted me with these experiences for in His omnipotence and omniscience.