Friday, January 13, 2012

Teach Me Somewhere

How grateful am I for inspiring friends and righteous influences in my life!  I look back at the past year, or even 6 months, and am in awe of how far I've come.  It has not been on my merits alone, but on those who have born my burdens, who have lifted me, and who have been examples and inspirations in my life.

I love the hymn, "Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing."  During a listen this morning, I heard the phrase, "Teach me somewhere."  Now, I must admit that I am not gifted at understanding people when they sing.  What I heard was, as usual, not what the lyrics read.  What is really written is "Teach me some melodious sonnet."  But, "Teach me somewhere" struck a chord with me so I will continue my post on that phrase.  Throughout the past week, my emotions have been near the surface and my heart has been full.  I was faced with a rather unexpected and difficult circumstance for which I was greatly unprepared.  How often do we ask to be taught in life, expecting it to be appreciated on all levels and for it to be a blessing and not a trial?  Some know, or have surmised, that I have struggled with an eating disorder and depression for a large part of my life.  I have always yearned to be taught and yet I would never have considered those trials to be the Lord's answer to my plea, "Teach me somewhere, Lord."  Now, over a decade later, I see it.  I see that I had to struggle with something so fatal and so devastating.  Of all the things I have learned about myself, my limits, my weaknesses, my interactions with others, and such, I want to share this one, most important lesson:

God has a plan for us.  

I know in His infinite wisdom, He knew I could overcome and manage my struggles, with the help of heaven.  I can see things coming together now, clearer than ever before.  I know my Heavenly Father loves me and has trusted me with these experiences for in His omnipotence and omniscience.  

Sunday, January 1, 2012

All Things Denote There is a God

As I look back on my posts over the past year, I reflect on the multitude of change and growth I have undergone.  My only regret is that I neglected to note the source of my growth and the foundation for my change.  

I worked this past week on preparing a lesson for the Gospel Essentials class I teach every 3rd Sunday at church.  The subject material was beautiful.  It was perfect.  It was on our Father in Heaven. The material in the manual and study guide was nothing foreign or new to me.  I've been raised a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints my whole life.  But, the thoughts and insights I had while preparing the lesson are what are profound.  I shared several personal experiences in the lesson that I wish to share here.  I know those who read this blog will respect them and hopefully feel of my sincerity as I write them.

While I was at BYU, most of the days were dark and cold, as I never stayed for the spring or summer terms.  I would frequently find myself walking back to my apartment, wishing I could make the trip faster.  On several occasions, I found myself looking at the sidewalk, wishing my life was different.  Then I would notice the flowers.  No matter the season, there are always flowers.  These flowers bore witness to me that all things denote there is a God.  If we but have eyes to see and hearts to feel, I know we can feel of our Father's love.  Through His Son, Jesus Christ, He created the world we live in.  He created the night sky, the perfect order of seasons, the spider and her web, the rushing sound of water, and even the wildflowers.  Certainly He loves His children.

Just last year I spent a few hours one day volunteering at Inova Fairfax Hospital for Children. I spent the majority of my time with a very needy boy.  I left that evening feeling inadequate and powerless.  During my drive home,  I heard the words, "You are worth more than you know."

I know, without a doubt, that I have a Heavenly Father who loves me.  He has given me all I have.  He has provided a way for us to live with Him again. If we could all see a glimpse of what lays in wait for us, we would have no reason to be sorrowful. We must remember where we came from and where we are headed.  He loves us. If we but recognize all things denote there is a God, we will see His loving hand guiding us and reminding us of our royal heritage and divine potential.

I pray that I may have the increased resolve this year to recognize God's hand even more as I draw near unto Him.