I have wanted to create a blog for a long time. I have read many blogs. Some have brought me to tears. Others have made me think for days on end. Many inspire me to look at life in a new light.
I have always doubted my ability to affect others the way others have changed me. In fact, I really do not have a life altering reason to create a blog. I have not created a family of my own. I'm not traveling the world. I do not have an amazing job. Some may even question if I have enough life experience to merit writing posts on the subjects I wish.
I have come to realize that I need not compare myself to those around me. The cliche phrase of "This is meant more for me than for anybody else" rings true in this instance. If you take a moment to think of the title of my blog, I hope you don't think I am trying to teach you how to love. It is just the opposite. I am learning for myself how to love. Not just to love others, but myself as well.
So, here is my goal:
To express the importance of women (and men) who have confidence in and love for themselves and others and the impact they can have on others. The world needs the influence of such people. Especially now.
So, why wait to start a blog when a big event comes my way. Why not begin now, when the preparation for such events is crucially important?
And with that, I join the world of blogging.
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