Sunday, February 27, 2011

Golly Goodness

It's been 3 months exactly since I last blogged.  And I must say a lot has happened.  Since I came home November 13th from BYU, I have been learning what life has to offer other than studying and taking tests.  I first began by embroidering.  I love to embroider and my mother and I are doing a project together to make a quilt.  I plan to embroider 15 patches and my mother will sew them and other patches together.  I must admit, I felt beyond my age when I would embroider on my mother's bed while watching trashy soap operas.  Well, then I got into watercolors.  Another excellent past time.  Mid-December, I traveled to Utah to clean out my apartment and attended my cousin's wedding.  It's heart wrenching to leave Utah in my past. Maybe that's why I haven't fully unpacked my belongings (mind you 6 boxes and 2 suitcases).  I tried very hard today to make headway in my unpacking ordeal, but had to stop as I began to become emotional while unpacking books and notes from BYU.  It's been difficult in Virginia.  I've left some of my closest friends behind.  I've put my degree on hold.  And, the circumstances surrounding my withdrawal have been difficult to deal with.  

Well, enough of a downer.  I am glad that I have made new friends who are so supportive and encouraging.  I am grateful my parents are willing to help me through this rough time.  I am astounded by the excellent resources there are to help those with my condition.  

For every post until I catch up on things, I am going to share pictures about recent events I've been able to enjoy while I've been home.  Another way to remind myself that good 'ol Virginia isn't that bad. :)

Last week I was able to attend the NEDA Awareness Walk in DC with some great friends.  Eating Disorder Awareness and Advocacy are a passion of mine.  Though the weather was a bit chilly, the companionship of 50+ walkers warmed my heart.  (I know, a little cheesy.)

Yay for good friends and supporters.  Love you!

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