Wednesday, March 21, 2012

The Busiest Days

The busiest days tend to be the days where I have a million things on my mind and there's no way I can get anything done unless I take care of those things which are on my mind.  Case in point: I have a  midterm exam worth 25% of my International Politics grade tomorrow as well as a paper that is worth 20% of my English grade due tomorrow.  And yet, I have so much on my mind I can't focus on studying.  

To sum everything up in one foul swoop, I'm posting this amazing video.  It is a presentation I attended by Stephanie Nielson over a year and a half ago.  She is such an amazing woman.  The topic which she addresses envelops so many of my thoughts and emotions today.  If we could all see, and believe, what we are meant to be and what our Heavenly Father sees in us, I think so much of our inner turmoil would be solved.

Her speech in this video is unique in that she is addressing a mostly Latter-day Saint audience and is able to discuss those sacred doctrines and principles of the Gospel that are universal and at the same time so personal to each of us.  It is a little long, but totally worth it!  If you don't have much time to watch, at least listen to the last 10-ish minutes if possible.  Ms. Nielson is such an example and inspiration to me of what true beauty means.

1 comment:

  1. Mackenzie, I just caught up on your last three posts. So wonderful! I had no idea you were going through so much!

    Although not directly relating to your disappointment, I recently heard a talk about Richard Paul Evans, author of The Christmas Box. He grew up with Tourette's Syndrome and as teased mercilessly. After writing his books, he was talking to a doctor about his books and contemplating how he was able to write in a way that reached people, despite having Tourette's. The doctor told him, "It's not in spite of your challenges, it's because of them that you've been able to write the way you write."

    This rang so clearly for me. Our challenges really do give us blessings and help us become who our Savior wants us to become.

    I love you dearly my niece. Happy Easter!
