Friday, October 15, 2010

The Challenge: Day 3

“Man often becomes what he believes himself to be. If I keep on saying to myself that I cannot do a certain thing, it is possible that I may end by really becoming incapable of doing it. On the contrary, if I have the belief that I can do it, I shall surely acquire the capacity to do it even if I may not have it at the beginning.”
-Mahatma Ghandi

Breathe.  No, really, take a breath.  Now do that 20 more times.  

Today's been an emotionally draining day.  To sum it up: sometimes being nice, loving, and doing good deeds doesn't pay off.

DAY 3: 10 Positive Things

The challenge: "Make a list of 10 positive things you like about yourself that have nothing to do with your appearance--and 10 positive things you like about your appearance."

10 Non-Appearance Related Affirmations
1.)  I have a deep love for others.
2.)  I have the power to change me.
3.)  I love how I have overcome so much.
4.)  I love how I am now able to look back and see the hell it was.
5.)  I love how I want to help others who are struggling with the same thing(s).
6.)  I love that I love to serve others.
7.)  I am learning not to pretend that I like or know something just to please people.
8.)  I recognize that I can't do things alone.
9.)  I can do things in moderation and balance.
10.) I am determined to do what I put my mind to--and to do it well.

10 Appearance Related Affirmations
1.)  I love my toenails.  They're perfect for putting on nail polish.
2.)  I love that I can wear my hair curly or straight without much distress.

3.)  I love my long neck.
4.)  I love my scars from bike riding in France.  They remind me that I don't have to be perfect to have fun and that I have a loving Heavenly Father looking out for me.

5.)  I love my moist skin.  I rarely have to put on lotion.
6.)  I love my eyes.  They are a beautiful shade of blue.

7.)  I love that I don't have a uni-brow.
8.)  I love my smile.  But only the one when I am truly happy or proud of an accomplishment.

9.)  I love my double-jointed skills.
10.)  I love my hip flexors.  I am mad flexible.  A great compliment: "My daughter thought you were a contortionist."

It was way harder to find 10 things I like/love about my body.  I almost gave up at 5.  I agree with Ghandi though.  It is what we believe about ourselves that we become.  If we believe we are mean and ugly, we will become mean and ugly.  It is when we truly believe that we are beautiful and loving that we become that way.  

I hope that whoever (if anybody) reads this will think of how they view themselves and find a way to appreciate who they are.  Feel free to leave a comment with one or more thing(s) you love about yourself.

1 comment:

  1. Aw. I really liked this, It makes me happy when people can find things they like about themselves. Agreed that some days are emotionally draining and sometimes just generally being a good person doesn't pan out the way you want it to. FOrtunately, I have never taken that to mean I should not keep doing good things or helping people. Love, you.
